During Software Freedom Day, we’ll be celebrating the merits of Free software (free as in Freedom, we ask you to pay for your beer).
Live stream
There will be live stream for those who can’t make it. Try to come over though. There’s more interaction. stream link (subject to change): https://youtube.com/live/_nk5F4TZg9o
Using OBS Studio and Inkscape to create a good looking live stream setup (Jurgen)
- Format: Workshop
- Prior knowledge: basic understanding of OBS Studio
- Time slot: 13:30 - 14:30
During this workshop, we will take your OBS skills to the next level, we’ll get to grips with the different kind of inputs and create a few basic scenes and install some plugins.
RustBridge (Yvan)
- Format: Workshop
- Prior knowledge: Basic knowledge of programming is helpfull.
- Time slot: 14:45 - 15:45
Join us for a hands-on exploration of Rust using https://rustlings.cool. We recommend having https://rustup.rs pre-installed on your machine before attending, as the HSBXL network connection may be slow.
Retrospective and future of the FOSDEM video setup (Mark VDB)
- Format: presentation
- Time slot: 16:00 - 17:00
FOSDEM is a yearly free and open source developer conference on the ULB campus, with 35 concurrent talk tracks . For the last 8 editions we have been using custom video boxes with open source software to do fairly hands off video capture of the talks, with both the slides as the speaker beeing captured. this talk will be a look back at how it works, lessons learned as well as a brief look at what the future holds.
The EU free software and the cyber resilience act (Ciarán)
- Format: presentation
- time slot: 17:15-17:45
General presentation on EU legislation and how it affects free software, with a particular focus on the current Cyber Resilience Act (CRA).
Hosting high availabilty clusters in your closet (Wouter)
- Format: Show and tell
- time slot:: 18:00-19:00 Explore the powerful virtualization capabilities of Proxmox, the all-in-one open-source platform, in this presentation showcasing its seamless management of virtual machines and containers for efficient, flexible and self-hosted IT infrastructure