As an after-party to the first day of the big FOSDEM Free Software conference in Brussels,
the oldest Hackerspace in town organises its annual free party.
CONTACT PAGE getting to the location
Version 12 (0xc)
Let’s throw a party like it’s 1999… meh, the Y2K was overhyped… let’s party like it’s 2038!
Weird music for weird people.
These artists have confirmed to play a set for us:
- CedricHacksThePlanet
- Joe D’Absynth
- Meex
- A.I. Caramba featuring Taloor Soift
- …
Jegeva also took care of fantastic lights!
- Club-Mate
- a collecton of speciality beers
- soft drinks
- “normal” beers
Unsupported, deprecated versions
- Bytenight v2020
- Bytenight v2019
- Bytenight v2018
- Bytenight v2017
- Bytenight v2016
- Bytenight v2015
- Bytenight v2014
- Bytenight v2013
- Bytenight v2012
- Bytenight v2011
- Bytenight v2010
Notes can be found on https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/bytenight2020 )