The week before Fosdem conference, HSBXL compiles ByteWeek.
Eight ‘Bitdays’ of hackatons, workshops and talks.
We end our week with the notorious Bytenight!
Friday January 25th
- [20:30] make GNUwhine
- [20:30] make GNUwhine
Saturday January 26th
Sunday January 27th
Monday January 28th
- [10:00] Lua on a Stick (All day)
- [10:00] Lua on a Stick (All day)
Tuesday January 29th
- [00:00] Lua on a Stick (All day)
- [00:00] Lua on a Stick (All day)
- [20:30] Hugo Workshop
- [20:30] Hugo Workshop
- [19:00] Introduction to LDAP
- [19:00] Introduction to LDAP
- [17:00] Processing Community Day Brussels
- [17:00] Processing Community Day Brussels
Wednesday January 30th
- [00:00] Lua on a Stick (All day)
- [00:00] Lua on a Stick (All day)
- [19:00] Stompboxin’, DIY fuzzboxes for bass and guitar
- [19:00] Stompboxin’, DIY fuzzboxes for bass and guitar
Thursday January 31th
- [00:00] Lua on a Stick (All day)
- [00:00] Lua on a Stick (All day)
- [20:00] Using GNU Radio for Analog and Digital Communications
- [20:00] Using GNU Radio for Analog and Digital Communications
- [18:00] Amateur radio for hackers
- [18:00] Amateur radio for hackers
- [17:30] Panpanpan: demonstration v2
- [17:30] Panpanpan: demonstration v2
- [10:00] pre-FOSDEM GNU Radio Hackfest (All day)
- [10:00] pre-FOSDEM GNU Radio Hackfest (All day)
- [10:00] ZeroMQ Pre-Fosdem Hackaton 2019 (All day)
- [10:00] ZeroMQ Pre-Fosdem Hackaton 2019 (All day)
Friday February 1st
- [00:00] Lua on a Stick (All day)
- [00:00] Lua on a Stick (All day)
- [00:00] pre-FOSDEM GNU Radio Hackfest (All day)
- [00:00] pre-FOSDEM GNU Radio Hackfest (All day)
- [00:00] ZeroMQ Pre-Fosdem Hackaton 2019 (All day)
- [00:00] ZeroMQ Pre-Fosdem Hackaton 2019 (All day)
- [21:00] Bitnight
- [21:00] Bitnight
- [18:00] Pre-FOSDEM warmup with Kubernetes
- [18:00] Pre-FOSDEM warmup with Kubernetes
- [13:00] Blockstack Workshop
- [13:00] Blockstack Workshop
Saturday February 2nd
Call for participation
If you want to have a talk, workshop or hackaton,
send a mail to contact@hsbxl.be with your proposal.
We are serving fresh soup every day.
Byteweek was a BLAST!
Financialy we also did very well.
Costs Byteweek related are €1551,31.
- 18 fries/soup packages
- 95,99 deep fryer / fries / pizzas
- 55,50 pellets
- 13,5 pellets
- 21,7 pellets
- 190,56 colruyt
- 23,30 pellets
- 174,2 colruyt
- 440,56 beer
- 518 beer
- 26 broken chairs VGC
Byteweek brought us €2851,5.
Which means Byteweek added €1274,19 to our warchest.