This workshop will be given in French and English.
Arduino and microcontroller : Crash Course NĀ°001
For this first session, we’ll start by setting up our workspace and install the tools that will be used during the series. Those suggested tools include :
** Replit ** : an online IDE that support c and c++ among numerous other languages
** Tinkercad ** : a user-friendly, online CAD editor that will be used for circuit design and simulations
** Wokwi ** : a more advanced online tool for simulations that supports libraries and multiple files
** EasyEDA ** : a free online and desktop tool we’ll use for PCB design
** Arduino IDE ** : DUH :-p
** CodeLite IDE and compiler ** : a free and open source IDE we’ll use for C and C++, along with a C/C++ compiler
Once the setup is done, we’ll play around with arduinos and build simple prototypes.