- Desoldering/reading of flash chips (eMMC, TSOP, …)
- Find JTAG pins on devices with JTAGenum
We would like to play around with desoldering and dumping memory chips.
Bring a target device and we will teach other how to remove TSOP chips, reball BGA chips and dumps NAND/NOR/eMMC memories.
We will bring an IR rework station and all the TSOP/BGA breakout boards we have around.
We will also try JTAGenum to find hidden JTAG pins on devices.
Saturday 2018-12-08, from 2PM to 11PM @HSBXL
Take devices you want to extract the flash from, like:
- smartphone
- routers
- latpop
- TVs
- other electronics
Other useful equipements:
- soldering/desoldering equipment (desoldering pump, desoldering wick)
- raspberrypi
- arduino boards
- headers and female/male wires
- breadboard
- 3.3V/5V level converters
- breakout boards
Our master will be Nathan Fain (cyphunk), a researcher based in Berlin and contributor to embedded tools such as JTAGenum.
Please register your participation to this workshop on Meetup.com: https://www.meetup.com/hackerspace-Brussels-hsbxl/events/256814991
- Flash dumping: https://github.com/cyphunk/JTAGenum/wiki/Embedded-Analysis#flash-dumping
- JTAGenum: https://github.com/cyphunk/JTAGenum
- Nathan Fain (cyphunk): https://deadhacker.com/